Hey There
I'm Gina Rossi, a Cosmic Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Teacher who has fallen in love with the Sacred Lotus Flower.
Why Lotus Flower?
I've been working with lotus for several years, but most recently I had a transformational experience with the lotus flower and began to work with this nurturing and compassionate plant teacher in earnest.
Since I'm a teacher and am passionately compelled to share what heals me, excites me, and chooses me.
The Lotus Flower has chosen me-- or maybe it was the other way around-- but whatever it is, I am bound to this generous and revered Plant Spirit and committed to sharing its gentle, healing medicine.
This is an endeavor of love for me and I hope for you, too. Like you, I'm committed to my healing journey and am open to many methods that will contribute to me living my best life.
Using everything that I have in my arsenal to help heal others, I've created a line of Sacred Lotus Flower products that are meant to help you on your healing path, and at the very least, help you to self-soothe.
Follow me on my Facebook at Instagram sites for meditations and events. And check my videos page for how to work with this beautiful and nurturing plant spirit.